Juno and the Paycock: Quotes

  •  I ofen looked up at the sky an’ assed meself the question – what is the moon, what is the stars?
  • Th’ whole worl’s in a terrible state o’ chassis.
  • Never tired o’ lookin’ for a rest.
  • it’s nearly time we had a little less respect for the dead, an’ a little more regard for the living.
  • Isn’t all religions curious?-if they weren’t you wouldn’t get anyone to believe in them.
  • It’ll have what’s far better- it’ll have two mothers.
  • It doesn’t matter what you say, ma – a principle’s a principle.
  • She is a well-made and good-looking girl of twenty-two. (Mary)
  • She is forty-five years of age, and twenty years ago she must have been a pretty woman. (Juno)
  • … seven wounds he head – one entherin’ the neck, with an exit wound beneath the left shoulder-blade; another in the left breast penethratin’ the heart, an’…
  • Wan victim wasn’t enough. When the employers sacrifice wan victim, the Trades Unions go wan betther be sacrficin’ a hundred.
  • A principle’s a principle.
  • … he is a thin delicate fellow … He has evidently gone through a rough time. His face is pale and drawn; … fear in his eyes. (Johnny)
  • He is a man of about sixty; stout, grey-haired and stocky. His neck is short, and his head looks like a stone ball … upper part of his body slightly thrown back, … His walk is a slow consequential strut … he wears a faded seaman’s cap with a glazed peak.
  • … his eyes have a cunning twinkle; … he has a habit of constantly shrugging his shoulders.
  • … when the cat’s away, the mice can play!
  • I’ve a little spirit left in me still!
  • One that says all is God an’ no man; an’ th’ other that says all is man an’ no God!
  • Have none of yous any respect for the Irish people’s National regard for the dead?
  • Ah, him that goes a borrownin’ goes a sorrowin’!
  • I’ll put some o’ the gorgeous feathers out o’ your tail!
  • – your humanity is just as narrow as th’ humanity o’ th’ others.
  • Sacred Heart o’ Jesus, have mercy on me!
  • Ah, what can God do agen th’ stupidity o’ men!
  • It’ll have what’s far betther – it’ll have two mothers.
  • What was th’ pain I suffered, Johnny, bringin’ you into th’ world to carry you to yours cradle to th’ pains I’ll suffer carryin’ you out o’ th’ world to bring you to your grave!

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